Using Spot Instances Part 1 - Setup

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EC2 Spot Instances

Amazon EC2 Spot Instances let you take advantage of unused EC2 capacity in the AWS cloud. Spot Instances are available at up to a 90% discount compared to On-Demand prices. You can use Spot Instances for various stateless, fault-tolerant, or flexible applications such as big data, containerized workloads, CI/CD, web servers, high-performance computing (HPC), and test & development workloads. Click here to know more about Spot Instances.

EKS Managed Node Groups with Spot Instances

Previously on EMR on EKS Prerequisites, you created managed node group named emrnodegroup with On-Demand Instances. Now you will be creating another managed node group with Spot Instances.
Managed node groups automatically create a label - - to identify which nodes are Spot Instances and which are On-Demand Instances. We will use this label to schedule the appropriate workloads to run on Spot Instances.

Refer this deep dive blog to learn the best practices you need to follow to provision, manage and maintain EKS managed node groups with Spot Instances.

Create a Managed Node Group with Spot Instances

To maximize the availability of your applications while using Spot Instances, we recommend that you configure a managed node group to use multiple instance types. When selecting what instance types to use, you can look to all instance types that supply a certain amount of vCPUs and memory to the cluster, and group those in each node group. For example, a single node group can be configured with: m5.xlarge, m4.xlarge, m5a.xlarge, m5d.xlarge, m5ad.xlarge, m5n.xlarge, and m5dn.xlarge. These instance types supply almost identical vCPU and memory capacity, which is important in order for Kubernetes cluster autoscaler to efficiently scale the node groups.

EC2 Instance Selector is an open source tool that can help you find suitable instance types with a single CLI command.

We will now create a managed node group with Spot Instances, let’s create a config file (addnodegroup-spot.yaml) with details of a new managed node group.

cat << EOF > addnodegroup-spot.yaml
kind: ClusterConfig

  name: eksworkshop-eksctl
  region: ${AWS_REGION}

- name: emrnodegroup-spot
  minSize: 1
  desiredCapacity: 3
  maxSize: 10
  instanceTypes: ["m5.xlarge","m4.xlarge","m5d.xlarge","m5n.xlarge","m5dn.xlarge","m5a.xlarge","m5ad.xlarge"]
  spot: true
    enableSsm: true


Create the new EKS managed nodegroup with Spot Instances.

eksctl create nodegroup --config-file=addnodegroup-spot.yaml

Creation of node group will take 3-4 minutes.

You can use the label to identify the lifecycle of the nodes. The output of this command should return nodes with the capacityType set to SPOT.

kubectl get nodes \ \

You can review the dedicated chapter on Spot Instances SPOT CONFIGURATION AND LIFECYCLE to learn more about how EKS managed node groups handle Spot Interruption automatically.