This workshop has been deprecated and archived. The new Amazon EKS Workshop is now available at
Argo uses an artifact repository to pass data between jobs in a workflow, known as artifacts. Amazon S3 can be used as an artifact repository.
Let’s create a S3 bucket using the AWS CLI.
aws s3 mb s3://batch-artifact-repository-${ACCOUNT_ID}/
Next, we will add this bucket as an argo artifactRepository
in the configmap workflow-controller-configmap
Create the patch
cat <<EoF > ~/environment/batch_policy/argo-patch.yaml
config: |
bucket: batch-artifact-repository-${ACCOUNT_ID}
deploy the patch
kubectl -n argo patch \
configmap/workflow-controller-configmap \
--patch "$(cat ~/environment/batch_policy/argo-patch.yaml)"
Let’s verify the configmap
kubectl -n argo get configmap/workflow-controller-configmap -o yaml
Output Example
In order for Argo to read from/write to the S3 bucket, we need to configure an inline policy and add it to the EC2 instance profile of the worker nodes.
First, we will need to ensure the Role Name our workers use is set in our environment:
test -n "$ROLE_NAME" && echo ROLE_NAME is "$ROLE_NAME" || echo ROLE_NAME is not set
If you receive an error or empty response, expand the steps below to export.
is not set, please review: /030_eksctl/test/
Create a policy and attach to the worker node role.
cat <<EoF > ~/environment/batch_policy/k8s-s3-policy.json
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
aws iam put-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-name S3-Policy-For-Worker --policy-document file://~/environment/batch_policy/k8s-s3-policy.json
Validate that the policy is attached to the role
aws iam get-role-policy --role-name $ROLE_NAME --policy-name S3-Policy-For-Worker